Slice to Perfection: Techniques for Beautifully Cut Vegetables

 Want that professional-looking salad platter? We got your back, with uniformly chopped vegetables delivered to your dining table. But hey, vegetables are more than just aesthetics.  They are full of nutrition and form a non-negotiable part of your balanced diet. Since fruits and vegetables form the first part of the food web they lie at the higher trophic level and biologically carry more energy in comparison to other sources of food such as dairy and poultry. The easiest way to utilize their goodness in your food is to include them in at least two of your meals every day, even if it is in the form of snacks.

Ways To Incorporate More Fruits And Vegetables Into Your Diet

Eating those nutrients need not be all lavish and time-consuming. Fruits and vegetables can be incorporated into your meals very easily. Salads, smoothies, and spreads are some of the easiest ways. Also, since the fruits and vegetables are not cooked for these recipes they are considered even better for the bodies as they are closest to their natural forms and not processed. They can be used as toppings to your pizzas to get your mother’s approval or be added to your next barbecue. One can switch to healthy sliced snacks with peanut butter spreads and yogurt and chocolate syrup dips or have muffins, pancakes, or nut bars feasts. Last but not least, who does not like those spicy crisp sandwiches with extra cheese?  All these require minimal food prep or if you still do not have time you can order fresh-cut vegetables and fruits online.

The Ideal Cut

Brunoise (Fine Dice)

The ideal use of this cut is for garnishes and stuffing. Some common foods used in this cut are carrots, onions, bell peppers, and other hard root vegetables like beets and turnips.

Chiffonade (Shredding)

Widely used for leafy green vegetables and herbs including spinach, basil, mint, and fenugreek to list a few, in the form of sautee, stuffing, and garnish. They are directly cooked into dishes in some cultures including India.

Julienne/Allumete (Matchstick cuts) and Baton

Stir-fries and salads are made by using vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and cucumbers. These vegetables are also used in noodles in this form by many cultures including China and Korea.

Macedoine (Small Dice)

Those healthy soups are incomplete without the dice of yam, sweet potatoes, radish, and spring onions.

Parmentier (Medium Dice), Carre (Large Dice) and Paysanne

The most common cut for those mouth-watering lunch and dinner recipes and barbecue is made of potato, Onion, Yam, carrot, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, spinny gourd, chow chow, zucchini, brinjal, capsicum, and tomato.

Slices, Stripes, Rondelle/ Washer

Your classic roasts, grills, baked snacks, and salads of cucumber, baby corn, tapioca, taro roots, and plantain stem are a magic of artistic slices and stripes

Mincing and Crushing

Those smooth thick pastes and sauces of onion, garlic, and ginger are essential to the drama of your routine cooking.

Buy your perfect cuts online

Say goodbye to those long hours of meal preps and visit the just-right platform of GreenChopper to buy cut vegetables online in Banglore and create a plate of health for your family.


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